Tuesday 8 October 2013

What Went Wrong. (Something Different)

Brushing the cobwebs off my blogger account, I realise that it has been way too long since I last posted anything up on thestoryofabook. I had wanted to carry on with this blog as a way of getting my writing out there, especially considering that over the summer I wouldn't be at uni, and wouldn't have as much motivation to write. (I spent a lot of time sleeping. A lot.)

But something changed, and it may have been my return from uni, or it may have been my attention being focused upon other passions in life (Check out my band's Facebook page and give us a like if you can!) or even my brain just forgetting how to function normally. Something changed and things took a turn for the worse.

I don't know if you know what it's like having no energy or motivation at all. Well, I'm sure you do, but when it goes on for several months at a time, that's when you realise that maybe it's more than just a temporary blip. When the energy to even do something as menial as getting out of bed is inexplicably sucked out of you and sometimes you just lie on your bedroom floor staring at the ceiling and waiting for something to happen, that's when you realise that something isn't quite right. Even writing this now is making me feel drained, but I guess it should help... Somehow. Accompanied by a constant overwhelming black cloud that hung over me, finding the energy to write something that made sense and actually sounded good was a difficult thing. Posting things seemed even more difficult.

I have been writing: of course I've been writing (more updates on that later). Things have progressed slowly both with the book itself and with its sequel - something I'm feeling pretty excited about already from the plans that I've got for it. Now I'm finally back and settled into uni and with three classes of writing every week, I'm loading myself up with more writing already: restocking the supply so I've finally got things to post up here once again. Not only that, but I'm feeling better about myself too. And more motivated, which is always a good thing. (It's pretty hard to talk about really, I'm sorry if this is coming across as hideously awkward).

So I guess I'll apologise now. I'm sorry I've been away. I'm sorry I haven't posted anything. And I'm sorry for how brutally honest and miserable this post has been. Things will pick up again as soon as I'm feeling better and and more confident in what I write. Keep checking back and there should be something up within the next few days.

Peace. x


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