Friday 7 September 2012

A Little Introduction Before All The Exciting Stuff Happens

So I reached 200 followers on Twitter (Yay!!) and as promised, the first chapter is in the stages of being posted here very very soon.

Just as a pre-revelation warning (it's not that bad, I promise you!!) I'd just like to point out that the classic method of copyrighting this chapter by posting it to myself has been undertaken, so anyone wishing to potentially steal my work, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!

Basically, what you are about to read is the first chapter of a full length novel that has taken up the best part of four years to achieve second-draft stage. The first chapter is simply an introduction in which the scene and tone for the rest of the book is set; however for a particularly private person such as myself, allowing other people (let alone strangers from the Internet) to read my work has taken a great deal of courage.Therefore, all I ask of you is that if you have a problem with any of it, tell me in the nicest way you can. I'm always open to criticism (especially if it's constructive): indeed, any kind of comments are greatly appreciated - good or bad.

So without much further ado or any more pointless waffle from me, I'd like to simply get on with posting it. I hope you enjoy what you're about to read, and please, please, please let me know what you think of it.

Peace. x


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